"Prairie Companions" 2010: 3'x2', Funk residence, Florence, MontanaPrairie Companions
Funk residence, Florence, MontanaFunk residence
Door panels: Lyman residence, Missoula, MontanaDoor panels
"Tree of Life" 2010: Copper-foiled stained glass. Lake and tree trunk are sandblasted; the tree trunk and flowers are painted and kiln-fired for effect. 2'x3'Tree of Life
Medical Examiners Building, Anchorage, AlaskaDesigned by Dana Boussard, fabricated by Dennis LippertAnchorage
Anderson residence, Oakland, CaliforniaAnderson residence
18" diameter rose lampshade, Hamilton residence, Missoula, MontanaRose lampshade
Rose window, Hamilton residence, Missoula, MontanaRose window
Ogden residence, Wise River, MontanaOgden residence
"Fish Going for Fly" Ogden residence, Wise River, MontanaOgden residence
"Sky and water" Suzanne Geer residence, Missoula, MontanaSky and water
The incorporation of glass art and architecture implements a total design solution while providing a distinctive interior/exterior experience